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CL-PKA: Key Management in Dynamic Wireless Sensor Network: A Novel Framework

TitleCL-PKA: Key Management in Dynamic Wireless Sensor Network: A Novel Framework
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference2019
AuthorsGowtham, M., D. T. Pratish, M. K. Banga, and M. Patil
Conference Name3rd International Conference on Emerging Research in Electronics, Computer science and Technology, ICERECT 2018
Pagination317 - 330
Date Published2019
PublisherSpringer Verlag
ISBN Number18761100 (ISSN); 9789811358012 (ISBN)
KeywordsComputer Science and Engineering, Scopus

Lately, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been sent for a wide arrangement of utilization, including military distinguishing and following, industrial status checking, action stream checking, where tangible devices oftentimes move between various regions. Securing information and correspondences require suitable encryption key conventions. In this investigation, propose a certificate less-powerful key administration (CL-PKA) protocol for secure correspondence in one of a kind WSNs portrayed by hub versatility. The CL-PKA bolsters productive key updates when a node leaves or joins a bunch and guarantees forward and in reverse key mystery. The convention likewise bolsters effective key revocation for traded off hubs and limits the effect of a node compromise on the security of other correspondence joins. A secure examination of our plan demonstrates that our convention is effective in safeguarding against different attacks. This inquire about actualize CL-PKA in Conic OS and reproduce it utilizing Cooja test system to evaluate now is the idealtime, vitality, correspondence, and memory execution. © 2019, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

Short TitleLect. Notes Electr. Eng.