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Effectiveness of Diabetes Education Package on knowledge and lifestyle among prediabetes adults in urban communities, Bangalore

TitleEffectiveness of Diabetes Education Package on knowledge and lifestyle among prediabetes adults in urban communities, Bangalore
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsS. Selvam, D., and J. Sharmila
JournalInternational Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology
Pagination1643 - 1644
Date Published2021
Type of ArticleResearch publication
ISBN Number2454-132X
KeywordsCollege of Nursing Sciences, Others

Diabetes is one among the most problems in health system and a worldwide public health threat that has increased over the past 2 decades. India is that the diabetic capital of the planet-and by 2030, India will have the very best number of diabetic people within the world (WHO). India is that the diabetic capital of the planet, and by 2030; India will have the very best number of diabetic people within the world (WHO) Diabetes is preceded by Prediabetes often leads to type 2 diabetes, stroke and cardiovascular diseases. The objectives of the study were to evaluate the effectiveness of diabetes education package on knowledge and life style among prediabetes adults. Pre-experimental -one group pretest-posttest design was used. The Adults with prediabetes were selected and administered with Diabetes Educational package. The findings revealed that Diabetes Educational Package had significant impact in improving the knowledge and life style among prediabetes adults.