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Energy Paint Clean and Renewable Sources of Energy for the Future

TitleEnergy Paint Clean and Renewable Sources of Energy for the Future
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsHeena, S., V. Payal, M. N. Karthik, and I. Satish
JournalJournal of Fluid Mechanics and Mechanical Design
Pagination12 - 17
Date Published2019
Type of ArticleJournal Article
KeywordsDepartment of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Others

Sustainable energy has become a need of today's world. The world is getting exhausted and polluted by using the non-renewable resources, and the pollution has driven the planet to a point of desperate measures to bring down global warming. The solution called "ENERGY PAINTā€ for self-sustainability can be a breakthrough to a much more sustainable form of energy generation for the future. A new concept of combining a new material along with the normal paints can help us to generate a cleaner fuel called hydrogen. The absorption properties of this new material can revolutionize the method of producing hydrogen as fuel from the buildings around us. This technology can increase the efficiency of the solar panels by painting the energy paints on them. A structure can be transformed into an energy producing structure. Energy paints can be affordable method for every common man to produce energy for sustainability and a better future.