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Low Cost Hardware Architecture of Fast Lifting Wavelet Transform for Image Compression

TitleLow Cost Hardware Architecture of Fast Lifting Wavelet Transform for Image Compression
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsEzhilarasan, K., D. Jayadevappa, and S. PushpaMala
JournalInternational Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering
Date Published2019
Type of ArticleArticle
ISBN Number2277-3878
KeywordsDepartment of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Scopus

In this work, the researchers have given a low-cost, multiplier-less design with latest DWT (2D lifting technology) for high-speed dual-Z scans. A single dimension parallele row, column processors and five transposing registers are the suggested architecture. Furthermore, a 4N timeline buffer is used to process 2D DWT images with NxN resolution. Flipping architecture is intended to decrease the critical path, replacing multipliers with shifting and adding logic. To reduce transposition and latency buffers, dual Z scanning technology is introduced. The proposed architecture is better for similar performance requirements than the existing hardware architectures. Verilog is defined as the suggested Design Register Transfer Logic (RTL) and is synthesized with Xilinx ISE 14.5. When synthesized with a better hardware efficiency for Xilinx Spartan 6 series field programmable gate array, the suggested architecture works at a frequency of 140.47 MHz.

Short Titleint. Jr.of Rec. Tec. and Eng.