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A Moving Object Recognition using Video Analytics

TitleA Moving Object Recognition using Video Analytics
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsAmbeshwar, K., and T. M. Rajesh
JournalInternational Journal for Scientific Research and Development- IJSRD
Date Published2017
Type of ArticleArticle
ISBN Number2321-0613 (ISSN)
KeywordsComputer Science and Engineering, Others

The process of recognizing of moving object is considered as a difficult task in the image processing. Moving Object recognition is an important task of computer vision because it is inclusion of the success of certain applications in computer vision. A number of algorithm and system has been put forward but still a challenging task because of illumination changes, background subtraction & occlusion. Video is captured from the database and then the video is changes to number of frame using mat lab and the frame which is extracted are going to save in a database and the object image which is retrieve from other sources we will match the features of the object from the saved database object using feature extraction technique and algorithm and after getting recognized object. We will do verification and validation of the object using false acceptance rate and false detection rate and by analyzing the value of data we get exact details that the object is recognized. In this process we use several algorithm such as SIFT and SURF and other classifying algorithm to recognize the object. In this project we discuss about the background subtraction, interest point detector, optical flow and temporal differencing to recognize the object.

Short TitleIJSRD