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System and Method of Smart Drones for Smart Farming

TitleSystem and Method of Smart Drones for Smart Farming
Publication TypePatent
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsRoopashree, S.
Application Number202041030536 A
Date Published31/7/2020
KeywordsComputer Science and Engineering, Patent

Agriculture is a livelihood for mankind and the use of drones have become useful in different approach of ploughing with the help of sensors and different types of algorithms are used to know the depth of the land for sowing. Drones also used for spraying the pesticides over a long distance within limited period of time and it is more accurate and efficient. It is cheaper than any other aerial vehicle and can fly over large distance sowing and helping in the regrowth of plants. The main reason for this work is to reduce the expenses that are cost during the farming and as well as save time and plant seeds more accurately. Drones are efficient and applicable for small scale when built using Arduino UNO and one main reason for sage of drone is to reduce the crop failure and this is done with the help of camera and GPS that helps the drones to monitor the crops, therefore this invention presents various technologies like IOT,ML that are used to develop the drones which help in reducing the failures that the farmers are facing when done manually and it also helps in betterment of their life and presents a way for their livelihood.