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Theoretical Analysis of GaN/AlGaN Based Quantum Well Structure

TitleTheoretical Analysis of GaN/AlGaN Based Quantum Well Structure
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsRanjeeta,., S. Sneha, and K. Dharmendra
JournalInternational Journal of Nanomaterials and Nanostructure
Pagination39 - 43
Date Published2019
Type of ArticleJournal Article
ISBN Number2455-5584 (ISSN)
KeywordsDepartment of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Others

In this paper, we have studied the GaN/AlGaN Based quantum well Structures and describe the numerical code for calculating the band structure of GaN/AlGaN quantum-well wurtzite semiconductors. We have used Luttinger Hamiltonian matrix for calculating wurtzite semiconductors. We have considered the Schrodinger wave equation using finite difference method for conduction band calculation and Luttinger Hamiltonian matrix using finitedifference method is used for the calculations of the valence band structures of GaN/AlGaN quantum-well wurtzite.