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Introduction to the world of Artificial Intelligence

TitleIntroduction to the world of Artificial Intelligence
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsShaila, S. G., A. Vadivel, and V. Naksha
Book TitleIGI Global, Handbook of Research on Applications and Implementations of Machine Learning Techniques
PublisherIGI Global
ISBN Number9781522599029(ISBN)
KeywordsComputer Science and Engineering, ISBN/ISSN

Today, artificial intelligence is a technology which is completely advanced and very fast growing. It has a very strong and significant influence in our daily lives. Artificial intelligence have created tools and techniques linked to various disciplines such as computational logic, the theory of the probability, the theory of the decision, management science, linguistics and philosophy, etc. This technical area is a standout amongst the new fields in science and designing.

Short TitleIGI Global