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Video Based Sub-Categorized Facial Emotion Detection Using LBP and Edge Computing

TitleVideo Based Sub-Categorized Facial Emotion Detection Using LBP and Edge Computing
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsPraveen, K., and T. M. Rajesh
JournalRevue d'Intelligence Artificielle
Date Published2021
Type of ArticleArticle
ISBN Number1958-5748 (ISSN)
KeywordsComputer Science and Engineering, Scopus

Facial expression recognition assumes a significant function in imparting the feelings and expectations of people. Recognizing facial emotions in an uncontrolled climate is more problematic than in a controlled climate due to progress in hindrance, glare and clamor. This paper, we demonstrate another system for successful facial emotion recognition from ongoing face images. Dissimilar to different strategies which invest a lot of energy by partitioning the picture into squares or entire face pictures; our strategy extricates the discriminative component from notable face areas and afterward consolidates with surface and direction highlights for better portrayal. We also made sub-categories in the main expressions like happy and sad, to identify the level of happiness and sadness and to check whether the person is really happy/sad or acting to be happy/sad. Moreover, we lessen the information measurement by choosing the profoundly discriminative highlights. The proposed system is fit for giving high matching precision rate even within the sight of impediments, light, and commotion. To show the heartiness of the expected structure, it utilized two freely accessible testing dataset. These trial results show that the presentation of the expected structure is superior to current strategies, which demonstrate the impressive capability of consolidating mathematical highlights with appearance-based highlights.

Short TitleRevue d'Intelligence Artificielle