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Study of different feature extraction method for visual speech recognition

TitleStudy of different feature extraction method for visual speech recognition
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference2021
AuthorsSaswati, D., J. Vijin, and N. Shradha
Conference NameICCCI 2021
Date Published2021
PublisherIEEE Explore
ISBN Number978-1-7281-6051-1 (ISBN)
KeywordsComputer Science and Engineering, Scopus

The prime rule of visual speech recognition is lipreading under noisy conditions because visual features are less sensitive to noise. It is a very challenging task to extract significant visual features. Visual articulations are different for different speakers and contain very less discriminative features to recognize visual speech. Thus, to recognize visual speech, geometric and texture based features are widely used. This paper presents different visual features for lip reading and the comparative analysis of these features. Local Binary Pattern (LBP), discrete cosine transforms (DCT) and LBP-three orthogonal planes (LBP-TOP) are widely visual features. Here, we use these features for visual speech recognition and also introduce a comparative analysis of different visual features. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers are applied for classification of visual speech.

Short TitleIEEE Explore