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Microcontroller Based Automated Garbage Level Detection And Segregation

TitleMicrocontroller Based Automated Garbage Level Detection And Segregation
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsAashna, B., A. Aashruti, R. Halshet. Asha, and V. Payal
JournalInternational Journal of Engineering Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering
Pagination26 -28
Date Published2018
Type of ArticleJournal Article
ISBN Number2394-6849
KeywordsDepartment of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Others

Garbage and waste disposal is a huge problem that affects India. Disposing of waste has huge environmental impacts and can cause serious problems. Waste disposal has been a problem in India for a few years, yet the problem hasn't been solved. When the waste starts to accumulate due to increasing population, the garbage ends up in landfills, rivers, oceans, which liberates harmful toxins that affect the entire ecosystem. One of the possible solutions is to segregate the waste at the disposal level itself and use the segregated waste for various purposes like to generate energy, use them as manure. In our country the collection, transportation and disposal are disorganized and chaotic. Developing a mechanized system to make our world a cleaner and greener place is our main objective. Thus, we have proposed a system to detect the level of garbage and segregate the waste into mainly two categories wet and dry. The wet waste is then converted into manure. We have proposed a system to give back to our mother earh and do our bit to protect the environment and make our country a cleaner place to live in