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A Study on the Assessment of Adverse Drug Reactions of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors and Their Impact on Quality of Life in Solid Organ Malignancy Patients

TitleA Study on the Assessment of Adverse Drug Reactions of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors and Their Impact on Quality of Life in Solid Organ Malignancy Patients
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsReefath, shareefa., P. Ramakrishna, D. B. Chandana, O. Akhtar. Mohammed, and S. Shweta
JournalIOSR-Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences
Date Published2019
ISBN Number22790861 (ISSN)
KeywordsCollege of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Others

Targeted therapy such as TKIs have prominent application in treatment of solid organ malignancies due to their effective response associated with changes in HRQoL scores during treatment and correlation of ADRs with medication adherence. The aim of the present study is to assess the Adverse Drug Reaction of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors and their impact on Quality of Life in Solid Organ Malignancy Patients. Methodology: 33 patients with solid organ malignancies on TKIs were included in this prospective, observational and analytical study conducted in the day care wards and in-patient department of Sri Shankara Cancer Foundation Hospital and Research Centre, Bengaluru, India. Results: Out of 33 volunteers, 23(69.7%) were males and 10(30.3%) were females. In addition, the highest percentage of patients with an average age group was 65.91±2.98 years. Overall 17(51.51%) had NSCLC, 12(36.36%) with HCC and 4(12.12%) patients were presented with GIST. Further 69.69% of the patients reported of having one or more ADRs. The commonly occurring ADRs were Rashes (18.60%) followed by Emesis (13.95%), Anorexia and Constipation (11.63%). The patients showed variable clinical characteristics and improved overall quality of life. The functional scales has improved except financial burden, which was increased in all solid organ malignancy subjects consequently due to the high cost of treatment. Symptoms such as dyspnoea, coughing, sore mouth, dysphagia have gradually reduced whereas haemoptysis, peripheral neuropathy fatigue, insomnia were worsened in first month but got improved by third month. Conclusion: The TKIs showed minimal ADRs and significant functional improvement in health status during the course of treatment.Our findings suggest that changes in HRQoL scores from baseline during treatment, as measured on subscales of the EORTC QLQ-C30 and QLQ-LC13, HCC18 and STO22 are significant prognostic factors for survival.

Short TitleIOSR-JDMS