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Game theory trust model with authentication and aes encryption (Gta-aes) model for secure data aggregation in wsn

TitleGame theory trust model with authentication and aes encryption (Gta-aes) model for secure data aggregation in wsn
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsSwathi, Y., and S. R. Chitnis
JournalInternational Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Issue6 Special Issue
Pagination2193 - 2207
Date Published2020
Type of ArticleArticle
ISBN Number20054238 (ISSN)
KeywordsComputer Science and Engineering, Scopus

Demand of wireless sensor networks has grown drastically due to their use in numerous real-time monitoring applications. These networks are composed of several tiny sensor nodes that have limited resources such as processing power, storage capacity, and area. Data transmission from one node to another node consumes energy, excessive energyconsumption may lead to the degraded network lifetime. Moreover, the power supply to these sensor networks cannot be replaced hence maintaining energy efficiency in these networks is a challenging task. Currently, the data aggregation technique has gained an attraction to save the energy of the network discarding redundant information. However, dataaggregation urges for security and privacy hence we present a game theory-based trust management model, and key distribution model for secure data aggregation. Finally, AES encryption-based scheme is presented to secure the data while communicating between two or multiple hops. The comparative study shows that the proposed approach reduces processing time, consumes less energy and reduces overall network delay which is helpful to improve the network lifetime. © 2020 SERSC.

Short TitleInt. J. Adv. Sci. Technol.