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This Compendium is a compilation of knowledge output of DSU, like patents, books, book chapters, journal publications and publications in conference proceedings, which are indexed by Scopus and/or Web of Science, UGC CARE List Group I, and Others.

DSU Research Compendium

Found 2 results
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Merine, G. Anna, and S. Y. Kulkarni, "Cluster based Routing Protocols for IOT Application", International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security(IJCNIS), vol. 11, issue 5, pp. 43-49, 2019.
Merine, G. Anna, and S. Y. Kulkarni, "Characterization of Battery life of an IOT based Wireless Networked Office Lighting System", 6th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies, CONECCT 2020: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2020.