This Compendium is a compilation of knowledge output of DSU, like patents, books, book chapters, journal publications and publications in conference proceedings, which are indexed by Scopus and/or Web of Science, UGC CARE List Group I, and Others.
DSU Research Compendium
Found 10 results
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"A Comprehensive Study on Principles, And Physiology, Challenges of Delayed Wound Healing by Cellular Migrationand Reactive Oxygen Species Release in SC-1 Fibroblasts", Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, vol. 6, issue 1, pp. 1-15, 2021.
, "A Comprehensive study on docking analysis of phytoconstituents", European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research, vol. 7, issue 6, pp. 240-245, 2020.
, "Antiepileptic activity of Viscum articulatum Burm and its isolated bioactive compound in experimentally induced convulsions in rats and mice", European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 5, issue 3: European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, pp. 311-318, 2018.
, "Anti-inflammatory activity of syzygium cerasoideum leaf extract by carrageenan induced paw oedema in albino rats", World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, issue 8, pp. 503-510, 2018.
, "Bis-[2-(Chloroethyl) Amino] Acetamido-4-Substituted Phenyl Thiazole Derivatives As Possible Antioxidant And Alky-lating Anticancer Agents", International Journal of Pharmaceutics and Drug Analysis, vol. 6, issue 3: South Asian Academic Publications, pp. 352-60, 2018.
, "Formulation of albumin nanoparticles containing an anticancer drug oxaliplatin", European journal of biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences, vol. 5, issue 3, pp. 669-71, 2018.
, "A prospective study on drug utilization, cost impact and gastric bleeding associated with anticoagulant therapy at cardiology department in a tertiary care hospital", International journal of innovative science and research technology, vol. 3, issue 6: International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, pp. 510-3, 2018.
, "A prospective study on gastric bleeding and drug interactions associated with anticoagulant therapy at cardiology department of a tertiary care hospital", Indo american journal of pharmaceutical sciences, vol. 4, issue 11: SSJ COLL PHARMACY-SSJCP 125B-125 SANTRANJIPURA, TLIPHONE EXCHANGE RD, NAGPUR, pp. 3991-3998, 2017.
, "Evaluation of Anti arthritic potential of NONI extract in experimental rats", WJPS, vol. 3, issue 2: Atom and cell publishers, pp. 299-304, 2015.
, "Evaluation of neuropharmacological properties of a polyherbal extract", World Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 3, issue 9, pp. 1905-1911, 2015.