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This Compendium is a compilation of knowledge output of DSU, like patents, books, book chapters, journal publications and publications in conference proceedings, which are indexed by Scopus and/or Web of Science, UGC CARE List Group I, and Others.

DSU Research Compendium

Found 3 results
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Ramakrishna, P., C. Siva Reddy, R. M. V. Basaveswara, K. A. Monika, and N. Hema Manogna, "Assessment of Health related Quality of Life in Tuberculosis Patients of South India", Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, vol. 11, issue 7: Advanced Scientific Research, pp. 2714-2721, 2019.
Veena, G., C. Siva Reddy, R. Mandava V. Basaveswara, K. Pavan Kumar, and P. Ramakrishna, "Morinda Citrifolia (Noni) fruit protects the exocrine pancreatic dysfunction against L-arginine induced acute pancreatitis in rats", Pharmacognosy Magazine, vol. 15, issue 64: Advanced Scientific Research, pp. 328-324, 2019.