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This Compendium is a compilation of knowledge output of DSU, like patents, books, book chapters, journal publications and publications in conference proceedings, which are indexed by Scopus and/or Web of Science, UGC CARE List Group I, and Others.

DSU Research Compendium

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Goutam, G. Desai., and T. M. Rajesh, "Analysis on Moving Object Detection", International Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology-IJSART, vol. 3: IJSART, pp. 18-24, 2017.
Vignesh, M., and T. M. Rajesh, "Guaranteed Availability of Cloud Data with Efficient Cost", International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology -IRJET, vol. 5: IRJET, pp. 1358-1361, 2017.
Ambeshwar, K., and T. M. Rajesh, "A Moving Object Recognition using Video Analytics", International Journal for Scientific Research and Development- IJSRD, vol. 3: IJSRD, pp. 1762-1765, 2017.
Rajesh, T. M., "Multilingual Signature Identification & Verification in Forgery domain", Multilingual Signature Identification & Verification in Forgery domain: LAMBERT Academic Publishing (Germany), pp. 1 - 97, 2017.
Vignesh, M., and T. M. Rajesh, "A Survey on Guaranteed Availability of Cloud Data with Efficient Cost", International Journal for Scientific Research and Development- IJSRD, vol. 5: IJSRD, pp. 1974-1976, 2017.
Ambeshwar, K., and T. M. Rajesh, "A Survey on Moving Object Recognition using Video Analytics", International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology-IJERT, vol. 5: IJERT, pp. 38-49, 2017.
Dalawai, K., and T. M. Rajesh, "Analysis on Text Detection and Extraction from Complex Background Images", iManager’s Journal on Pattern Recognition-JPR, vol. 5: iManager’s Journal, pp. 33-47, 2018.
Abhishek, G. Kumar, . Viveka, T. M. Rajesh, and S. G. Shaila, "Automated Number Plate Verification System based on Video Analytics", International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology -IRJET, vol. 5: IRJET, pp. 1723-1727, 2018.
Sharath, M. N., T. M. Rajesh, and M. Patil, "Analysis of Secure Multimedia Communication in Cloud Computing", 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies, ICICICT 2019: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., pp. 136 - 144, 2019.
Kulkarni, P., and T. M. Rajesh, "Analysis on Different Techniques Used for Sentimental Analysis", International Journal of Research in Advent Technology-IJRAT, vol. 7: IJRAT, pp. 656-659, 2019.
Rajesh, T. M., and K. Dalawai, "An Application of an EM Algorithm for Skew Detection of Signatures in Text Images: Signature Extraction from Images", International Journal of Computer Vision and Image Processing-IJCVIP-IGI Global, vol. 9: IJCVIP-IGI Global, pp. 59-58, 2019.
Rajesh, T. M., K. Dalawai, and N. Pradeep, "Automatic data acquisition and spot disease identification system in plants pathology domain: Agricultural intelligence system in plant pathology domain", Modern Techniques for Agricultural Disease Management and Crop Yield Prediction: IGI Global, pp. 111 - 141, 2019.
Jena, T., T. M. Rajesh, and M. Patil, "Elitist TLBO for identification and verification of plant diseases", Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 828: Springer Verlag, pp. 41 - 67, 2019.
Kulkarni, P., and T. M. Rajesh, "Analysis on techniques used to recognize and identifying the Human emotions", International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 10, issue 3: Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science, pp. 3307 - 3314, 2020.
Rajesh, T. M., and K. Dalawai, "Automated Video Surveillance System Using Video Analytics", 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication, ICICC 2019, vol. 1034: Springer, pp. 451 - 461, 2020.
Rajesh, T. M., Automatic Signal Alert for Preventing Accidents, no. 202041054009 A, 18/12/2020.
Lavanya, B. K., and T. M. Rajesh, "Review on the Techniques used for Identification of Diseased Leaves", iManager’s Journal on Pattern Recognition-JPR, vol. 7: iManager’s Journal on Pattern Recognition-JPR, pp. 32-39, 2017, 2020.
Rajesh, T. M., Santulan: A device for Car safety, no. 202041053586 A, 18/12/2020.
B. Verma, U., and T. M. Rajesh, "Smart URT a NLP Framework", International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), vol. 8: IJCRT, pp. 2161-2181, 2017, 2020.
Rajesh, T. M., S. G. Shaila, M. Patil, A. C. Shivaprasad, B. Nazmin, K. P. Bindu Madavi, and B. K. Lavanya, Accident Surveillance System in Nh4 Using Video Analytics, no. 202141002013 A, 22/1/2021.
Rajesh, T. M., S. G. Shaila, M. Patil, A. C. Shivaprasad, B. Nazmin, K. P. Bindu Madavi, and B. K. Lavanya, Animal Surveillance System Using Video Analytics, no. 202141002027 A, 22/1/2021.
Rajesh, T. M., S. G. Shaila, and M. Patil, Automated location identification system using text and image data, no. 2021100154, 11/2/2021.
Rajesh, T. M., Big data Performance Enhancement using Machine Learning Spark-ML Pipeline Auto Parameter Tuning, no. 202041057025 A, 1/1/2021.
Rajesh, T. M., S. G. Shaila, K. B Lavanya, and B. R. Nyrika, "An Efficient Framework to Bifurcate Healthy and Diseased Vegeatables and Fruits Using Multimodal Approach", 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication, ICICC 2019, vol. 1: Springer, pp. 463-279, 2021.
Rajesh, T. M., S. G. Shaila, G. S. Girisha, and A. C. Shivaprasad, Gardening Robot, no. 202041055966 A, 1/1/2021.
Rajesh, T. M., and S. G. Shaila, Grading of Facial Emotions Using Multimodal Approach, no. 202141020173 A, 07/05/2021.
Rajesh, T. M., and K. B Lavanya, Method for Plant Disease Detection Using Machine Learning and Methods Thereof, no. 202141010619 A, 19/03/2021.
B Lavanya, K., and T. M. Rajesh, "A Novel Model for Disease Identification in Mango Plant Leaves Using Multimodal Conventional and Technological Approach", 4th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication, ICICC 2020, vol. 1: Springer, pp. 131-140, 2021.
Rajesh, T. M., and S. G. Shaila, Robo: Care Taker, no. 2021100004, 28/1/2021.
Rajesh, T. M., S. G. Shaila, G. S. Girisha, and A. C. Shivaprasad, Robo Umpire, no. 202041056016 A, 1/1/2021.
Praveen, K., and T. M. Rajesh, "Video Based Sub-Categorized Facial Emotion Detection Using LBP and Edge Computing", Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle, vol. 35: Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle, pp. 55-61, 2021.