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This Compendium is a compilation of knowledge output of DSU, like patents, books, book chapters, journal publications and publications in conference proceedings, which are indexed by Scopus and/or Web of Science, UGC CARE List Group I, and Others.

DSU Research Compendium

Found 11 results
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Vimal, J. S., V. Murugan, and A. R. Mahesh, "Antihyperlipidemic effect of Tephrosia villosa in acute and chronic hyperlipidemia rat models", Journal of microbiology, biotechnology and food sciences: Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, pp. e4222-e4222, 2021.
Vimal, J. S., V. Murugan, and A. R. Mahesh, "Effect of Tephrosia tinctoria in Triton WR-1339 and High Cholesterol-Diet Induced Hyperlipidemic Rats", International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, vol. 13, issue 02: Advanced Scientific Research, pp. 3221-3235, 2021.
Kalpana, D., S. Rekha, V. Murugan, and H. Shivaprakash, "Synthesis, Characterization and Evaluation of some newer Pyrimidine derivatives as Anti-inflammatory Agents.", Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, vol. 14, issue 5, pp. 2529-34, 2021.
A. Reddy, R., V. Murugan, and K. B. Premakumari, "Application of total error concept in the analytical method validation for the assay of essential amino acids by precolumn derivatization", Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, vol. 10, issue 5: Open Science Publishers LLP Inc., pp. 31 - 42, 2020.
Sofiqul, I., V. Murugan, and K. B. Premakumari, "Improvement of related compound analytical method in amikacin by high-performance liquid chromatography", Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, vol. 13, issue 3: Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, c/o Dr. Pratima Sharma, pp. 1438 - 1443, 2020.
Manjunatha, E., V. Murugan, K. M. Geetha, and R. Nandeesh, "Phytochemical and gc-ms analysis of ziziphus rugosa bark", International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, vol. 12: Advanced Scientific Research, pp. 1886 - 1891, 2020.
Vimal, J. S., A. R. Mahesh, and V. Murugan, "Phytochemical and pharmacological aspects of Tephrosia genus: A brief review", Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Scicience, vol. 9, issue 03: Open Science Publishers LLP, pp. 117-125, 2019.
A. Reddy, R., V. Murugan, and K. B. Premakumari, "Simultaneous determination of kynurenine, fumaric acid and pyroglutamic acid as degradation products in amino acids formulation", Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, vol. 12, issue 10: Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, pp. 4946 - 4652, 2019.
Premakumari, K. B., A. R. Mahesh, V. Murugan, and V. Ezhilarasan, "Simultaneous Estimation of Paracetamol and Zaltoprofen in Pharmaceutical Dosage Form by HPTLC", Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, vol. 12, issue 5: Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, pp. 2075-2078, 2019.
Kalpana, D., V. Murugan, and S. Rama, "Synthesis and Characterization of some new Oxadiazole derivatives as Antiinflammatory agents", Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, vol. 12, issue 5, pp. 2416-2420, 2019.