This Compendium is a compilation of knowledge output of DSU, like patents, books, book chapters, journal publications and publications in conference proceedings, which are indexed by Scopus and/or Web of Science, UGC CARE List Group I, and Others.
DSU Research Compendium
Found 11 results
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"Antihyperlipidemic effect of Tephrosia villosa in acute and chronic hyperlipidemia rat models", Journal of microbiology, biotechnology and food sciences: Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, pp. e4222-e4222, 2021.
, "Effect of Tephrosia tinctoria in Triton WR-1339 and High Cholesterol-Diet Induced Hyperlipidemic Rats", International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, vol. 13, issue 02: Advanced Scientific Research, pp. 3221-3235, 2021.
, "Synthesis, Characterization and Evaluation of some newer Pyrimidine derivatives as Anti-inflammatory Agents.", Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, vol. 14, issue 5, pp. 2529-34, 2021.
, "Application of total error concept in the analytical method validation for the assay of essential amino acids by precolumn derivatization", Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, vol. 10, issue 5: Open Science Publishers LLP Inc., pp. 31 - 42, 2020.
, "Improvement of related compound analytical method in amikacin by high-performance liquid chromatography", Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, vol. 13, issue 3: Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, c/o Dr. Pratima Sharma, pp. 1438 - 1443, 2020.
, "Phytochemical and gc-ms analysis of ziziphus rugosa bark", International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, vol. 12: Advanced Scientific Research, pp. 1886 - 1891, 2020.
, "Phytochemical and pharmacological aspects of Tephrosia genus: A brief review", Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Scicience, vol. 9, issue 03: Open Science Publishers LLP, pp. 117-125, 2019.
, "Simultaneous determination of kynurenine, fumaric acid and pyroglutamic acid as degradation products in amino acids formulation", Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, vol. 12, issue 10: Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, pp. 4946 - 4652, 2019.
, "Simultaneous Estimation of Paracetamol and Zaltoprofen in Pharmaceutical Dosage Form by HPTLC", Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, vol. 12, issue 5: Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, pp. 2075-2078, 2019.
, "Synthesis and Characterization of some new Oxadiazole derivatives as Antiinflammatory agents", Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, vol. 12, issue 5, pp. 2416-2420, 2019.
, "GC MS/MS analysis of bioactive compounds in alcoholic seed extract of Gauzuma ulmifolia Lam", Pharmacognosy Journal, vol. 10, issue 1, pp. 194-197, 2018.