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This Compendium is a compilation of knowledge output of DSU, like patents, books, book chapters, journal publications and publications in conference proceedings, which are indexed by Scopus and/or Web of Science, UGC CARE List Group I, and Others.

DSU Research Compendium

Found 8 results
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Premakumari, K. B., and V. Murugan, "Development and Validation of HPTLC Method for the Simultaneous Estimation of Gatifloxacin and Loteprednol Etabonate in Pharmaceutical Dosage Form.", American Journal of PharmTech research, vol. 5, issue 2: American Journal of PharmTech research, pp. 565 - 573, 2015.
Premakumari, K. B., V. Murugan, V. Ezhilarasan, and SR. Joseph, "Simultaneous Estimation of Loteprednol Etabonate and Gatifloxacin in Pharmaceutical Dosage Form by UHPLC Method", IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences, vol. 11, issue 4: IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences, pp. 82 - 87, 2016.
Premakumari, K. B., M. S. Sandhyavali, V. Murugan, and B. Shanaz, "Chemometrics assisted simultaneous Spectrophotometeric determination of Alogliptin and Metformin in Pharmaceutical dosage form.", World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, vol. 7: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, pp. 1269-1279., 2018.
Sofiqul, I., V. Murugan, K. B. Premakumari, and N. Shabbhag, "Development and Validation of a Liquid Chromatographic method for the Quantification of Related Compounds in Cyclophosphamide.", Pharmaceutica Analytica Acta, vol. 9, issue 595: Pharmaceutica Analytica Acta, pp. 2 - 4, 2018.
A. Reddy, R., V. Murugan, K. B. Premakumari, and V. Shree, "Development of Analytical Method for Separation and Quantification of Cysteine Hydrochloride Monohydrate, followed by validation with total error concept by using Ultra performance Liquid Chromatography with Pre-column Derivatization.", Journal of Chromatography and Separation Techniques, vol. 9, issue 406: Journal of Chromatography and Separation Techniques, pp. 2 - 6, 2018.
Manjula, D., L. Jenita. Josephine, K. B. Premakumari, and B. Shanaz, "Formulation and evaluation of flaxseed hair gel: a natural hair tamer.", International Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Chemistry, vol. 8, issue 3: International Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Chemistry, pp. 487-491, 2018.