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This Compendium is a compilation of knowledge output of DSU, like patents, books, book chapters, journal publications and publications in conference proceedings, which are indexed by Scopus and/or Web of Science, UGC CARE List Group I, and Others.

DSU Research Compendium

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Avani, V. S., S. G. Shaila, and A. Vadivel, "expression", Cognitive Neurodynamics: Springer Science and Business Media B.V., 2020.
D. Bavan, S., and S. Dattatri, "Finite Element Simulation Analysis on Blade and Stator Assembly Using Pin and Spacer for Turbines", 2018 International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Applications, IConAMMA 2018, vol. 24: Elsevier Ltd, pp. 835 - 840, 2020.
Pramod, R., M. S. Kumar, N. S. Shanmugam, and A. S. Vendan, "Formability studies on plasma arc welded duplex stainless steel 2205 sheet", Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, vol. 51, issue 2: Wiley-VCH Verlag, pp. 163 - 173, 2020.
Afreen, S. M., D. Manjula, M. Umar, K. B. Premakumari, and L. Jenita. Josephine, "Formulation and evaluation of nutritional formulation by icp-oes (inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy) technique to combat malnutrition", Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, vol. 13, issue 8: A & V Publications, pp. 3733-3737, 2020.
Mudda, S., and K. M. Gayathri, "Frequency reconfigurable ultra-wide band MIMO antenna for 4G/5G portable devices applications: Review", International Journal on Emerging Technologies, vol. 11, issue 3: Research Trend, pp. 486 - 490, 2020.
Srinivasa, N., L. Shreenivasa, P. S. Adarakatti, R. D. Crapnell, S. J. Rowley-Neale, A. Siddaramanna, and C. E. Banks, "Functionalized Co3O4 graphitic nanoparticles: A high performance electrocatalyst for the oxygen evolution reaction", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 45, issue 56: Elsevier Ltd, pp. 31380 - 31388, 2020.
Swathi, Y., and S. R. Chitnis, "Game theory trust model with authentication and aes encryption (Gta-aes) model for secure data aggregation in wsn", International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, vol. 29, issue 6 Special Issue: Science and Engineering Research Support Society, pp. 2193 - 2207, 2020.
Mitra, S. D., F. Ganaie, K. Bankar, D. Velu, B. Mani, M. Vasudevan, R. Shome, H. Rahman, S. K Ghosh, and B. R Shome, "Genome-wide analysis of mammary gland shows modulation of transcriptome landscape with alternative splice variants in Staphylococcus aureus mastitis in mice", Gene, vol. 735: Elsevier B.V., pp. 144278, 2020.
Sadik, S., K. M. Geetha, . Vasia, and N. Sreeharsha, "THE GLYCEMIC IMPACT OF SYZYGIUM CERASOIDEUM IN DIABETIC RATS", Pharmacologyonline, pp. 412-426, 2020.
Mathew, T., A. R Sree, S. Aishwarya, K. Khan, A. G Patil, P. Satapathy, S. P. Hudeda, S. S More, K. Muthucheliyan, N. T Kumar, et al., "Graphene-based functional nanomaterials for biomedical and bioanalysis applications", FlatChem, vol. 23: Elsevier B.V., pp. 100184, 2020.
VijayShanker, C., S. Sneha, K. Dharmendra, M. Rajan, and C. VijayShanker, "Hybrid dual core photonic crystal fiber as hydrostatic pressure sensor", Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, vol. 210, pp. 166483, 2020.
Harika, V. Ramanuja., and S. Sivaramakrishnan, "Image Overlays on a video frame Using HOG algorithm", IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES AND DEVELOPMENTS IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING (ICADEE 2020), pp. 157 -161, 2020.
Dias, N., and S. R. Reeja, "An Improvement of Compelling Graphical Confirmation Plan and Cryptography for Upgrading the Information Security and Preventing Shoulder Surfing Assault", 4th Future Technologies Conference, FTC 2019, vol. 1070: Springer, pp. 435 - 453, 2020.
Sofiqul, I., V. Murugan, and K. B. Premakumari, "Improvement of related compound analytical method in amikacin by high-performance liquid chromatography", Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, vol. 13, issue 3: Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, c/o Dr. Pratima Sharma, pp. 1438 - 1443, 2020.
Vineetha, M. S., J. Bhavya, S. M. Veena, K. K. Mirajkar, U. M. Muddapura, K. S. Ananthraju, F. Zameer, and S. S More, "In vitro and in vivo inhibitory effects of Tabernaemontana alternifolia against Naja naja venom", Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, vol. 28, issue 6: Elsevier B.V., pp. 692 - 697, 2020.
Rao, P. C. R., R. V. Kumar, P. Chandra, M. Vedavyasa, and M. S. Rajagopal, "Influence of Machining Parameter on Tool Life While Machining Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites", Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering, vol. 8, issue 06: Scientific Research Publishing, pp. 440, 2020.
Sharma, KN. Srihari, S. Pailoor, N. Choudhary Ram, P. Bhat, and S. Shrestha, "Integrated Yoga Practice in Cardiac Rehabilitation Program: A Randomized Control Trial", Journal of alternative and complementary medicine, vol. 26, issue 10, pp. 918 - 927, 2020.
Avani, V. S., S. G. Shaila, and A. Vadivel, "Interval graph of facial regions with common intersection salient points for identifying and classifying facial expression", Multimedia Tools and Applications: Springer, 2020.
Iswar, H., K. M. Geetha, P. Sivakamisundari, and D. Laloo, "Journey of Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides Lam.: From traditional utilization to modern therapeutics—A review", Phytotherapy Research: John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2020.
Bhadra, J., M. K. Banga, and V. M. Murthy, "Keyless, Robust and Cost-Effective Privacy Protection Algorithm for Videos Using Steganography", 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication, ICICC 2019, vol. 1034: Springer, pp. 429 - 442, 2020.
Fasim, A., V. S More, and S. S More, "Large-scale production of enzymes for biotechnology uses", Current Opinion in Biotechnology, vol. 69: Elsevier, pp. 68-76, 2020.
K. Milan, A., and N. P. Kumar, "Machine Learning Techniques in Healthcare—A Survey", Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, vol. 17: American Scientific Publisher, pp. 9-10, 2020.
Mitra, S. D., S. C Sebastian, I. Rekha, I. Pir, A. Mudigonda, J. Suresh, S. Choudhary, R. Tewari, F. Ganaie, and B. R Shome, "Molecular detection of the New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase clinical variant with double mutation- V88L and M154L in Escherichia coli isolates from South India", Gene Reports, vol. 21: Elsevier Inc., pp. 100880, 2020.
Mannava, M. K. Chaitany, R. Dandela, S. Tothadi, K. A. Solomon, and A. K. Nangia, "Naftopidil Molecular Salts with Improved Dissolution and Permeation", Crystal Growth and Design, vol. 20, issue 5: American Chemical Society, pp. 3064 - 3076, 2020.
Wilson, B., and K. M. Geetha, "Neurotherapeutic applications of nanomedicine for treating Alzheimer's disease", Journal of Controlled Release, vol. 325: Elsevier B.V., pp. 25 - 37, 2020.
Sumithra, R., and B. Komala, "Non-Darcian Effects of Uniform and Non-Uniform Salinity Gradients on the Onset of Triple Diffusive Magneto Convection in Composite Layers", International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, vol. 29, issue 5: Elsevier, pp. 6174 - 6192, 2020.
Shashidhara, D. N., D. N. Chandrappa, and C. Puttamadappa, "A Novel Location Aware Content Prefetching Technique for Mobile Adhoc Network", Procedia Computer Science, vol. 171, pp. 1970-1978, 2020.
Bhadra, J., M. V. Murthy, and M. K. Banga, "A novel piracy protection scheme for videos using force-induced pixels", Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 79, issue 33-34: Springer, pp. 25215 - 25236, 2020.
Jha, K., and M. Kumar. Mishra, "Object-oriented integrated algorithms for efficient water pipe network by modified Hardy Cross technique", Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, vol. 7, issue 1: Oxford University Press, pp. 56-64, 2020.
Manjunatha, C., V. Chirag, B. W. Shivaraj, N. Srinivasa, and S. Ashoka, "One pot green synthesis of novel rGO@ZnO nanocomposite and fabrication of electrochemical sensor for ascorbic acid using screen-printed electrode", Journal of Nanostructures, vol. 10, issue 3: University of Kashan, pp. 531 - 539, 2020.
Narender, K., and C. Puttamadappa, "Optimal resource allocation in ofdma-lte system to mitigate interference using ga rule-based mostly hbccs technique", 3rd International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, ICCII 2018, vol. 1090: Springer, pp. 547 - 556, 2020.
Murgayya, S. B., H. N. Suresh, N. Madhusudhan, and S. D. Bavan, "Optimization of high speed rotor-bearings system to assess the reliability using xlrotor", International Journal of Performability Engineering, vol. 16, issue 7: Totem Publishers Ltd, pp. 991 - 998, 2020.
Ankita, S., "Particle Swarm Optimization: A Study on Enhancement of Algorithm", 5th International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies 2020: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., pp. 237 - 240, 2020.
Divyashree, H. B., C. Puttamadappa, and P. K. S. Nandini, "Performance Analysis and Enhancement of QoS Parameters for Real-Time Applications in MANETs-Comparative Study", International Conference on Recent Trends on Electronics, Information, Communication & Technology (RTEICT), pp. 256-260, 2020.
Shanaz, B., L. Jenita. Josephine, D. Manjula, and K. B. Premakumari, "Pharmacognostical Studies and Isolation of an alkaloid from Barleria cristata Linn. roots", Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, vol. 13, issue 1: A&V Publications, pp. 163-167, 2020.
Ganesan, A., S. Banerjee, P. C. Deshmukh, and S.T. Manson, "Photoionization of Xe 5s: Angular distribution and Wigner time delay in the vicinity of the second Cooper minimum", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, vol. 53: IOP Publishing Ltd, 2020.
Manjunatha, E., V. Murugan, K. M. Geetha, and R. Nandeesh, "Phytochemical and gc-ms analysis of ziziphus rugosa bark", International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, vol. 12: Advanced Scientific Research, pp. 1886 - 1891, 2020.
Renuka, L., K. S. Anantharaju, Y. S. Vidya, H. Nagabhushana, B. Uma, S. Malini, S. S More, and P. Koppad, "Porous network ZrO2/ZnFe2O4 nanocomposite with heterojunction towards industrial water purification under sunlight: Enhanced charge separation and elucidation of photo-mechanism", Ceramics International: Elsevier Ltd, 2020.
Vinay, B. K., S. Kumar, S. PushpaMala, S. Deekshitha, and P. Ke, "Power Aware GALS Based Pipelined des System", 6th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies, CONECCT 2020: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2020.
Babukarthik, R. G., A. Krishna V. Adiga, G. Sambasivam, D. Chandramohan, and A. J. Amudhavel, "Prediction of covid-19 using genetic deep learning convolutional neural network (GDCNN)", IEEE Access, vol. 8: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., pp. 177647 - 177666, 2020.
Chacko, C. S., U. P. Nandakumar, S. Chand, L. S. Shravya, M. G. R. Priya, M. Abhinaya, V. S. Sara, and L. L. Sangtam, "Prescribing pattern among out patients of department of obstetrics and gynaecology in a tertiary care hospital", Plant Archives, vol. 20: Plant Archives, pp. 2249 - 2251, 2020.
Ashik, A., U. P. Nandakumar, S. Prabhu, K. C. BharathRaj, C. S. Chacko, B. C. Vinay, and J. J. Joel, "Psychotropic drugs induced adverse drug reactions: A prospective observational study", International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, vol. 12: Advanced Scientific Research, pp. 2191 - 2195, 2020.
Pachauri, P., S. S More, S. B. Sullia, and S. Deshmukh, "Purification and characterization of cellulase from a novel isolate of Trichoderma longibrachiatum", Biofuels-UK, vol. 11, issue 1: Taylor and Francis Ltd., pp. 85 - 91, 2020.
Rahul, K., and S. Bhowmik, "Quantitative probing of static and dynamic mechanical properties of different bio-filler-reinforced epoxy composite under assorted constraints", Polymer Bulletin: Springer, 2020.
Manjunatha, C., R. S. Patil, M. Sudeep, N. Srinivasa, R. C. Kumar, M. P. Sham Aan, and S. Ashoka, "Rational design and synthesis of hetero-nanostructured electrospun PU@PANI@FeS2: A surface tailored hybrid catalyst for H2 production via electrochemical splitting of water", Surfaces and Interfaces, vol. 18: Elsevier B.V., 2020.
Shamanth, N., G. Lucy, K. Bhushan, V. K. Vikas, R. Joseph Xavier, and C. K. Ramesha, "Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna Array Based Sectored Antenna for Directional Wireless Sensor Networks", 12th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP): IEEE Explore, pp. 1-6, 2020.
Yellampalli, R. P., O. Abhilash, and N. Kumar, "Reductions of Bending Stresses and Wear in an Aerodynamic Involute Spur Gear Profile", 63rd Congress of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, ISTAM 2018: Springer, pp. 319 - 327, 2020.
NishanthRao, K., V. Meshram, and H. N. Suresh, "A research on ultra wideband TCA and antipodal vivaldi antenna using resistive FSS and GWO", Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, vol. 12, issue 1 Special Issue: Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc., pp. 40 - 45, 2020.
Gurudas, V. R., and S. G. Shaila, "Review on Neural Network based Techniques for Detection of Breast Cancer Cells", TEST Engineering and Management, vol. 82: Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc., pp. 184 - 191, 2020.
Chandraiah, S., S. S More, A. Gautham. Santhekadur, S. Ghosh, I. Saha, and K. Arpan. Maiti, "Role of free radical scavenging activity of vasoactive intestinal peptide in the attenuation of mitochondrial dysfunction to ameliorate dextran sulphate sodium-induced colitis in mice: Implications in ulcerative colitis", Journal of Digestive Diseases, vol. 21, issue 12: Blackwell Publishing, pp. 711 - 723, 2020.
