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This Compendium is a compilation of knowledge output of DSU, like patents, books, book chapters, journal publications and publications in conference proceedings, which are indexed by Scopus and/or Web of Science, UGC CARE List Group I, and Others.

DSU Research Compendium

Found 380 results
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Sharma, KN. Srihari, S. Pailoor, N. Choudhary Ram, and S. Shrestha, "Development of a yoga module targeting cardiovascular health for patients with post-myocardial left ventricular dysfunction in India", Complementary Therapies in Medicine, vol. 42, pp. 170 - 177, 2019/02/01.
Tewari, R., S. D. Mitra, F. Ganaie, S. Das, A. Chakraborty, N. Venugopal, R. Shome, H. Rahman, and B. R Shome, "Dissemination and characterisation of Escherichia coli producing extended-spectrum β-lactamases, AmpC β-lactamases and metallo-β-lactamases from livestock and poultry in Northeast India: A molecular surveillance approach", Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance, vol. 17: Elsevier Ltd, pp. 209 - 215, 2019.
Wilson, B., "Drug targeting strategies into the brain for treating neurological diseases", Journal of Neuroscience Methods, vol. 311: Elsevier B.V., pp. 133 - 146, 2019.
Divya, R., and P. V. Pushpa, "Dual Frequency Reconfigurable Patch Antenna for S Band Application", IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propogation (InCAP), pp. 1 - 5, 2019.
Anshika, G., and G. Baishali, "Effect of sensing layer thickness on the performance of a reduced Graphene oxide based Photon detector", 2019 Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics, WRAP 2019: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2019.
Komala, B., and R. Sumithra, "Effects of Non-Uniform Salinity Gradients on the onset of Double Diffusive Magneto–Marangoni Convection in a Composite Layer", International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, vol. 28, issue 15, pp. 874 - 885, 2019.
Behera, N., "Effects of Phenotypic Plasticity and Unpredictability of Selection Environment on Niche Separation and Species Divergence", Handbook of Statistics, vol. 40: Elsevier B.V., pp. 405 - 431, 2019.
Jena, T., T. M. Rajesh, and M. Patil, "Elitist TLBO for identification and verification of plant diseases", Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 828: Springer Verlag, pp. 41 - 67, 2019.
Nadig, A., and T. Viswanathan, "An empirical analysis of money supply, inflation and output: the case of India", International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management, vol. 5, issue 3-4: Inderscience Publishers (IEL), pp. 516-530, 2019.
Mansour, A. Shamali, A-K. Pierre, and S. A. NAGARAJ, "An Empirical Research on with Bit Coin Purchase Intentions of Lebanon Citizens and Its Effects on Supply Chain Strategy", International Journal of Supply Chain Management, vol. 8, issue 4, pp. 788-794, 2019.
Swathi, Y., and S. R. Chitnis, "Energy aware fuzzy logic secure data aggregation (EA-FSDA) technique for wireless sensor networks", International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, vol. 8, issue 6: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication, pp. 4214 - 4223, 2019.
Shreenivasa, L., S. A. Prashanth, H. Eranjaneya, R. Viswanatha, Y. Kalegowda, G. Nagaraju, and S. Ashoka, "Engineering of highly conductive and mesoporous ZrV2O7 : a cathode material for lithium secondary batteries", Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, vol. 23, issue 4: Springer New York LLC, pp. 1201 - 1209, 2019.
Shreenivasa, L., S. A. Prashanth, H. Eranjaneya, R. Viswanatha, Y. Kalegowda, G. Nagaraju, and S. Ashoka, "Engineering of highly conductive and mesoporous ZrV2O7: a cathode material for lithium secondary batteries", Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 1201-1209, Apr, 2019.
Satyananda, V., K. V. Narayanaswamy, and K. Karibasappa, "Exudate Extraction from Fundus Images", 11th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology, KST 2019: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., pp. 94 - 98, 2019.
Adarakatti, P. S., A. Siddaramanna, and P. Malingappa, "Fabrication of a new calix[4]arene-functionalized Mn3O4 nanoparticle-based modified glassy carbon electrode as a fast responding sensor towards Pb2+ and Cd2+ ions", Analytical Methods, vol. 11, issue 6: Royal Society of Chemistry, pp. 813 - 820, 2019.
Goyal, R., L. P. Madhuri, K. S. Prasad, G. Hegde, and V. P. Shanmuganathan, "Fast responsive soft bio-mimetic robotic actuators", 2018 International Conference on BioMaterials, BioEngineering and BioTheranostics, BioMET 2018, vol. 15: Elsevier Ltd, pp. 300 - 308, 2019.
M Borehalli, S., and C. Thomas, "Glial pathology in neuropsychiatric disorders: A brief review", Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology, vol. 30, issue 4: De Gruyter, 2019.
Satyananda, V., K. V. Narayanaswamy, and K. Karibasappa, "Hard exudate extraction from fundus images using watershed transform", Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, vol. 7, issue 3: Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science, pp. 449 - 462, 2019.
Padmavati, S., and V. Meshram, "A hardware implementation of fractal quadtree compression for medical images", Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 771: Springer Verlag, pp. 547 - 555, 2019.
Gowda, K. B. M., M. S. Rajagopal, . Aswatha, and K. N. Seetharamu, "Heat transfer in a side heated trapezoidal cavity with openings", Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, vol. 22, issue 1: Elsevier, pp. 153 - 167, 2019.
Ramasamy, R. Ramaiah., and P. Sathish, "Holding period for positive return from Indian mutual funds", Investment management and financial innovations, vol. 16, issue 1: Business Perspectives, Publishing Company, pp. 346-364, 2019.
Srinivasa, N., L. Shreenivasa, P. S. Adarakatti, J. P. Hughes, S. J. Rowley-Neale, C. E. Banks, and S. Ashoka, "In situ addition of graphitic carbon into a NiCo2O4/CoO composite: Enhanced catalysis toward the oxygen evolution reaction", RSC Advances, vol. 9, issue 43: Royal Society of Chemistry, pp. 24995 - 25002, 2019.
Shwetha, V., V. S More, M. Govindappa, F. Zameer, N. N Francois, and S. S More, "In Vitro Neutralization of Naja naja Venom Enzymes by Folk Medicinal Plant Extracts", Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature, vol. 9, issue 4: Taylor and Francis Ltd., pp. 278 - 288, 2019.
Vineetha, M. S., J. Bhavya, and S. S More, "Inhibition of pharmacological and toxic effects of echis carinatus venom by tabernaemontana alternifolia root extract", Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources, vol. 10, issue 1: National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR), pp. 48 - 58, 2019.
Pushpa, P. V., "Internet of things based context aware health care services", 2nd International Conference on Advanced Computational and Communication Paradigms, ICACCP 2019: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2019.
Shreenivasa, L., R. T. Yogeeshwari, R. Viswanatha, G. Sriram, Y. Kalegowda, M. D. Kurkuri, and S. Ashoka, "An introduction of new nanostructured Zn0.29V2O5 cathode material for lithium ion battery: A detailed studies on synthesis, characterization and lithium uptake", Materials Research Express, vol. 6, issue 11: Institute of Physics Publishing, 2019.
Kamal, R., A. Karan, and A. S. Vendan, "Investigations on E-commerce Data for Forecasting the Efficient Promotional Platform Using Supervised Machine Learning", 4th IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends on Electronics, Information, Communication and Technology, RTEICT 2019: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., pp. 939 - 943, 2019.
Anshika, G., G. Shruthi, G. Baishali, V. Radhakrishna, and K.R. Guneshekharan, "Investigations on HI Reduced Graphene Based FET for Photon Detection", 2019 IEEE Photonics Conference, IPC 2019: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2019.
Ramapriya, R., M. P. Pallavi, A. P. Goutham, A. Kamath, A. Srinivas, and M. Rajasekar, "IoT Green Corridor", Technologies, ANT 2019 and The 2nd International Conference on Emerging Data and Industry 4.0, EDI40 2019, Affiliated Workshops, vol. 151: Elsevier B.V., pp. 953 - 958, 2019.
Lincoln, L., V. S More, and S. S More, "Isolation, screening and optimization of extracellular glucoamylase from Paenibacillus amylolyticus strain NEO03", Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, vol. 18: Elsevier Ltd, 2019.
Pramod, T. C., B. Kianoosh, M. H. Amini, N. R. Sunitha, and S. S. Iyengar, "Key Pre-distribution Scheme with Join Leave Support for SCADA Systems", International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, vol. 24, issue 2212-2087: Elsevier, 2019.
Reeja, S. R., N. Pavithra, B. Pinky, A.M. Alfiya, and H. Sheikh, "Leaf Disease Identification using Convolution Neural Network (CNN)", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)., vol. 9: Elsevier, pp. 477-481, 2020, 2019.
Ezhilarasan, K., D. Jayadevappa, and S. PushpaMala, "Low Cost Hardware Architecture of Fast Lifting Wavelet Transform for Image Compression", International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, vol. 8, issue 3: Scimagojr, pp. 6504-6514, 2019.
Kumar, N. S. Arun, S. Ashoka, and M. Pandurangappa, "MgFe2O4 nanoparticles synthesis and characterization: Application to trace level mercury(II) measurement from waste water samples", Materials Research Express, vol. 6, issue 12: Institute of Physics Publishing, 2019.
Jasma, B., "Microsoft Office in Multi-Level Monitoring of Outcomes in Outcome Based Education", Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, vol. 33, issue 2394-1707: Elsevier, 2019.
Maiti, K. Arpan., N.C. Saha, G. Paul, and K. Dhara, "Mitochondrial respiratory chain inhibition and Na+K+ATPase dysfunction are determinant factors modulating the toxicity of nickel in the brain of indian catfish Clarias batrachus L.", Interdisciplinary Toxicology, vol. 11, issue 4: Sciendo, pp. 306 - 315, 2019.
Anshika, G., G. Baishali, V. Radhakrishna, and K. Rajanna, "Modeling and Simulation of Reduced Graphene Oxide based Radiation Sensor", 5th IEEE International Conference for Convergence in Technolog, I2CT 2019: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2019.
Venugopal, N., S. D. Mitra, R. Tewari, F. Ganaie, R. Shome, H. Rahman, and B. R Shome, "Molecular detection and typing of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and methicillin-resistant coagulase-negative staphylococci isolated from cattle, animal handlers, and their environment from Karnataka, Southern Province of India", Veterinary World, vol. 12, issue 11: Veterinary World, pp. 1760 - 1768, 2019.
Kiran, B. T. S., and S. R. Chitnis, "networks", International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, vol. 8, issue 4: World Academy of Research in Science and Engineering, pp. 1318 - 1325, 2019.
Eranjaneya, H., P. S. Adarakatti, A. Siddaramanna, and C. G. Thimmanna, "Nickel tungstate nanoparticles: synthesis, characterization and electrochemical sensing of mercury(II) ions", Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, vol. 30, issue 4: Springer New York LLC, pp. 3574 - 3584, 2019.
Gowda, K. B. M., M. S. Rajagopal, and K. N. Seetharamu, "Numerical Studies on Natural Convection in a Trapezoidal Enclosure With Discrete Heating", Heat Transfer Engineering, vol. 41, issue 1: Taylor & Francis, pp. 595-606, 2020, 2019.
Sree, A., K. Khan, P. Satapathy, A. G Patil, S. S More, and F. Zameer, "Nutraceutical Attributes of Tamarindus indica L. - Devils’ Tree with Sour Date", Science of Spices and Culinary Herbs - Latest Laboratory, Pre-clinical, and Clinical Studies, vol. 3: Bentham Science Publishers, pp. 33-65, 2019.
Sreekanth, K., T. Siddaiah, N. O. Gopal, K. N. Jyothi, V. Kumar Kambila, and C. Ramu, "Optical and Conductivity Studies of Cr3+ Doped Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone Polymer Electrolytes", Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B, vol. 58, no. 11: Taylor & Francis, pp. 860-876, 2019.
Jena, M., C. Manjunatha, B. W. Shivaraj, G. Nagaraju, S. Ashoka, and M. P. Sham Aan, "Optimization of parameters for maximizing photocatalytic behaviour of Zn1-xFexO nanoparticles for methyl orange degradation using Taguchi and Grey relational analysis Approach", Materials Today Chemistry, vol. 12: Elsevier Ltd, pp. 187 - 199, 2019.
Mahesh, D. S., H. Chandramouli, and S. R. Chitnis, "Optimized uplink scheduling model through novel feedback architecture for wimax network", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, vol. 9, issue 1: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication, pp. 1353 - 1359, 2019.
Gireesh, Y., Y. D. B. Sing, G. K. Suryanarayana, and M. Rinku, "Passive control of transonic flow over a blunt body using aerospikes", Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, vol. 57, pp. 945 - 955, 2019.
Suryanarayana, G. K., and R. Dubey, "Performance enhancement of a ramjet air intake by passive bleed of boundary layer", Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, vol. 56, pp. 875 - 886, 2019.
Prasad, A., A. Tripurasun Devi, M. N. Nagendra Prasad, F. Zameer, G. Shruthi, and C. Shivamallu, "Phyto anti-biofilm elicitors as potential inhibitors of Helicobacter pylori", 3 Biotech, vol. 9, issue 2: Springer Verlag, 2019.
Vimal, J. S., A. R. Mahesh, and V. Murugan, "Phytochemical and pharmacological aspects of Tephrosia genus: A brief review", Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Scicience, vol. 9, issue 03: Open Science Publishers LLP, pp. 117-125, 2019.
Satapathy, P., K. Khan, S. Aishwarya, M.N. Nagendra Prasad, V. S More, S. S More, and F. Zameer, "Phyto-Nano-antimicrobials: Synthesis, characterization, discovery, and advances", Frontiers in Anti-infective Drug Discovery, vol. 8: Bentham Science Publishers, pp. 196 - 231, 2019.
